Tag: 31st Regiment United States Colored Troops

Siege of Petersburg

Siege of Petersburg

The siege of Petersburg, Library of Congress

Grant continued to move south and Lee reinforced Richmond with much of his army to block him once more but Grant’s objective was Petersburg which was then defended by less than three thousand troops.  On June 12, 1864, the Army of the Potomac began to cross a 2,100 foot long pontoon bridge over the James River. General W.F. “Baldy” Smith commanded the 16,000 troops that were the first Union troops to arrive outside Petersburg on June 15th but he did not launch an assault despite the urging of General Winfield Scott Hancock. This delay allowed Confederate reinforcements to man the Petersburg defenses and prolonged the Civil War until April 1865.

Petersburg became a siege and the concept of trench warfare was born. The Union army lived in a network of trenches, suffering from the harsh elements, open to artillery bombardment and small arms fire. Union soldiers that were  Pennsylvania coal miners dug a tunnel under a fort in the middle of the Confederate line  and  four tons of gunpowder were  placed under the fort. In the early morning of July 30, 1864, the explosion was the signal for Union forces to attack through the resulting breach in the Confederate lines. The assault was initially successful, but many Union troops were trapped in the 170 foot deep crater without ladders to climb out and the Confederate defenders quickly regrouped and poured small arms and artillery fire into the crater. The resulting slaughter caused almost 4,000 Union casualties. Many black regiments were engaged in the attack through the crater, including the 31st United States Colored Troops containing some Mansfield soldiers. The 21st Regiment Connecticut Volunteer Infantry were ordered to commence firing on the enemy from their trenches on the Petersburg when the mine exploded. 

After this unsuccessful assault, Grant continued to expand his lines, leaving the undermanned Confederates to thinly cover their defenses in response. The outer defenses of Petersburg were not taken until April 2, 1865.  Lee was then forced to order the evacuation of Petersburg and Richmond.

Thomas Brunk

Thomas Brunk

Thomas Brunk was a resident of Mansfield on January 13, 1864 when he enlisted as a Private in Co. B of the 31st Regiment United States Colored Troops. He was sick in the hospital from at least June 10, 1864 through the end of his enlistment.

The descriptive muster roll for the 31st Regiment United States Colored Troops lists his age as 64 and his occupation as laborer.  He is described as 5’7” tall with a black complexion and black hair and eyes.  His marital status is married.

He was born about 1800 in Cooks Island, New York and he was not living in Mansfield in the 1860 U.S. census. The maximum enlistment age in the Civil War was 44; many soldiers were older than that but the enlistment age on the application is usually not over 44. Thomas Brunk’s application stated that he was 64. He spent the majority of his enlistment in the hospital. His wife was named Catherine and she resided in Coxsackie, New York. No further information is known.

John Harris

John Harris

John Harris was a resident of Mansfield on December 30, 1863 when he enlisted as a Private in Co. Cof the 31st Regiment United States Colored Troops.  He was wounded in the leg on August 11, 1864 while in a rifle pit in Petersburg, Virginia. He was sent to the Satterlee Hospital in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and is said to have deserted from there in September 1864.

The descriptive muster roll of the 31st Regiment United States Colored Troops lists his age as 21 and his occupation as sailor.  He is described as 5’ 4” tall with a black complexion and black hair and black eyes.  No marital status is recorded.

He was born about 1842 in Patterson, New Jersey. John Harris was not a resident of Mansfield in the 1860 U.S. census; no further information is known.

Soldiers of Color

Soldiers of Color

Recruiting of black soldiers was not authorized until 1862 due to President Lincoln’s concerns that this would cause border states to secede. The Emancipation Proclamation was issued on January 1, 1863, to free all slaves in rebellious areas. Black soldiers were actively recruited in the Northern States after that date as regiments were established. The first black regiment that Connecticut authorized was the 29th (Colored) Regiment Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, formed in 1863; the regimental roster was completed in January 1864. They fought at Petersburg and Chapin’s Farm, Virginia, and two companies were the first Union infantry into Richmond.

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