LOST MANSFIELD #3: THE HOWE/STORRS/DEWING HOUSE. This house was built by Abner Howe in 1794/95. It was later owned by Squire Zalmon Storrs and then inherited by his daughter, Susan Storrs Dewing.
The Dewing family used the house as a summer residence, residing most of the year in New York City and later in Hartford.

This magnificent Georgian manse was the finest of its period in Mansfield Center. The pedimented central pavilion, the 12 over 12 double-hung windows and the transom light over the door reflect the simpler forms of the 18th century. The boldly projecting portico with parapet supported by fluted Tuscan columns were added in the 19th century and are superb examples of the Greek Revival style.
In 1881, Leonard Dewing added an Italianate tower to the rear of the house. It measured 20’ x 20’ and stood 40’ high. It featured an observation deck on top.

On March 2, 1909, the Dewing mansion was destroyed in a spectacular fire that attracted onlookers from miles around. Only a few pieces of furniture could be saved. At the time, the house was vacant and the Dewing family was at their Hartford home. Arson was suspected but never proved.

This series is made possible by a Capacity Building Grant from The Last Green Valley, Inc.