What is Storrs?

From the Mansfield Historical Society Newsletter, Vol. 41, No. 5, September 2005

This amusing poem by Laddie Widmer was found among a collection of photographs and memorabilia recently donated to the Historical Society by Frances Hoxie. There was no indication of the poem’s date or where it was originally published. Enjoy! 

No migrant from the middle West can ever
About the towns and villages in this part
   of the land.
He thinks he’s in the town of Storrs and
   surely none can blame him,
Yet next he finds that Mansfield is the town
   that seeks to claim him.
He asks quite simply “What is Storrs?” but
   then the explanation
Just serves to mix him up with more and
   greater complication.
For Mansfield boasts not only Storrs but
   also Eagleville,
And Mansfield Depot, Mansfield Center,
   Merrow and Wormwood Hill,
Plus Conantville and Chaffeeville;
   Mansfield Four Corners too;
While Gurleyville and Mansfield Hollow
   add another two.
Our dear outlander further asks, with
   mingled awe and pity,
“Why should three houses and a barn be
   labeled Mansfield City?”
To one who is New England born, it’s all
   just as it should be;
To others it is quite senseless as a
   system could be. 

Theme: Overlay by Kaira © Mansfield Historical Society
Storrs Connecticut