William H. Corbit

William H. Corbit was a resident of Mansfield on August 11, 1862 when he enlisted as a Private in Co. D of the 14th Regiment Connecticut Volunteer Infantry. He was wounded September 17, 1862, Antietam, Maryland, promoted to Corporal February 9, 1863, wounded June 17, 1864, Petersburg, Virginia, promoted to Sergeant January  29, 1865 and mustered out May 31, 1865.

He was born October 28, 1840 in Three Rivers, Massachusetts to Jason and Mary Ann (Brise) Corbit. After the Civil War, he returned to Mansfield and was employed as a painter and a paper hanger. William Corbit married Mary J. Mowry about 1862. They had four children including: Eldora Corbit, born about 1866 and Grace, born about October, 1869.

On August 14, 1869, he applied for an invalid pension, No. 146,886 that was granted under certificate No. 101,607. According to the list of pensioners on the roll in 1883, he was receiving $6 per month for a wounded left side and arm.

William H. Corbit died on November 30, 1930 and is buried at North Center Cemetery in Coventry, Connecticut.