Asa W. Rouse
Asa W. Rouse was a resident of Mansfield on November 30, 1861 when he enlisted as a Private in Co. H of the 11th Regiment Connecticut Volunteer Infantry. He was killed in action on September 17, 1862 at Antietam, Maryland. The regiment was ordered to take the lower stone bridge over Antietam Creek and the assault began at 10 A.M. Over one third of the regiment was killed, wounded or missing in that battle. William H. Hall, another Mansfield soldier from Co. H was also killed in the assault.
He was born about 1833 in Connecticut, probably to John and Thirza (Massby) Rouse of Groton. In the 1860 U.S. census in Norwich, he is a 27 year old stone cutter.
On November 4, 1862, his widow, Ann J. Rouse applied for a widow’s pension, No. 5,729 that was granted under Certificate No. 1,846. In the pension file is certification of their marriage and the births of their children. Asa W. Rouse married Ann J. Parkerson at West Greenwich, Rhode Island on November 25, 1858. Their first child, Lovell N. Rouse was born in Norwich, Connecticut on November 19, 1859 and their second child, Mary E. Rouse was born in Windham, Connecticut on April 27, 1862. The death of Asa Rouse left behind a widow, a three year old son and a 4 month old daughter. Both of the children died in 1863.
Asa W. Rouse was buried at the Yantic Cemetery in Norwich, Connecticut. His name is listed among the killed in action on the monument of the 11th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry Regiment on the battlefield at Antietam, Maryland.