Dwight P. Peck

Dwight P. Peck was a resident of Chaplin on August 7, 1862 when he enlisted as a Corporal in Co. D of the 21st Regiment Connecticut Volunteer Infantry; he died of disease January 13, 1863 at Fredericksburg, Virginia.

The descriptive muster roll of the 21st Regiment Connecticut Volunteer Infantry lists his age as 21 and his occupation as farmer.  He is described as 5’ 8” tall with a fair complexion and blue eyes and brown hair.  His marital status is single.

He was born about 1841 in Mansfield to Pearl L. and Anna/Adaline ______ Peck. In the 1860 census in Chaplin, he is a 19 year old in the household of Pearl L. Peck.

Dwight P. Peck died January 13, 1863; his burial place is unknown.