Charles B. Baldwin

Charles B. Baldwin was a resident of Mansfield on July 30, 1862 when he enlisted as a Private in Co. F of the 18th Regiment Connecticut Volunteer Infantry. He was killed in action on June 15, 1863 in Winchester, Virginia.

“Two companies, one of which was company F, charged on a body of rebels on the Berryville Road, and captured twelve guns, and took four prisoners. They were ordered to fall back, but Charles Baldwin of Mansfield staid behind, probably not hearing the order. A rebel Lieutenant and two privates came out of the woods, and one ordered him to surrender. He refused, and raised his gun to shoot the rebel, but the gun only snapped the cap, and the rebel Lieutenant shot him through the bowels with his carbine. He was buried where he fell, by a citizen who owned the property.”

The Willimantic Journal reported the above account that was communicated by Corporal Chas. D. Burdick, Co. F 18th C.V.I. July 24, 1863

He was born July 4, 1845 to Seth P. and Celinda (Farnham) Baldwin. In the 1860 U.S. census in Mansfield, he is a 15 year old living in the household of Seth P. Baldwin.

Seth P. Baldwin applied for a dependent father’s pension. According to the Pension List of 1883, he was receiving a pension of $8 per month that commenced in October, 1872.

Charles Baldwin shares a headstone with his father at the New Storrs Cemetery in Mansfield.