Charles Simons


Charles Simons was a resident of Willington on August 13, 1862 when he enlisted as a Private in Co. I of the 14th Regiment Connecticut Volunteer Infantry; he was wounded at Fredericksburg, Maryland on December 13, 1862 and died on February 19, 1862. The March 6, 1863 issue of The Willimantic Journal reported his death at the Hospital in Alexandria, Virginia on February 20, 1863 (Military records have February 19, 1863).

 “Charles Simons, of Mansfield, a member of Co. I, 14th C.V., died in Hospital at Alexandria, Feb. 20, from the effects of a wound received at the battle of Fredericksburg, which shattered his hip. His age was about 37.”

The Willimantic Journal, Friday, March 6, 1863

He was born on August 28, 1825 in Mansfield to Asa and Keziah (Conant) Simonds. Elijah Simons/Simonds, one of his brothers, served in a Massachusetts regiment in the Civil War.

On January 11, 1871, his mother applied for a dependent mother’s pension, No. 110,132 that was granted under Certificate No. 141,814.

Charles Simons is buried at the Alexandria National Cemetery in Alexandria, Virginia, Plot A – 743.