Renovation Project Update 2/25

Latest News > Renovation Project Update 2/25

Since the January 6 groundbreaking, there has been a lot of activity here on Spring Hill. Site work for both buildings has been moving along quickly despite the often adverse weather conditions.

The main focus has been installing ground and surface water control for both buildings. Earth Dynamics of Coventry has made steady progress, starting with the connection to the existing Route 195 storm drain. Excavation around the footprint of both buildings has been extensive, and installation of footing drains, french drains, and rain gutter leads is nearly complete.

Another focus of early work has been the reinforcement of the first floor of the 1842 Town Hall. Sarazin Contracting of Windham is replacing failing basement columns supporting the first floor. When these reinforcements are complete, additional upgrades will be added to other parts of the building frame in order to carry the considerable weight of the second floor and roof.

Arborist Tree Care Services of Tolland removed several trees on the north side of the 1842 Town Hall, allowing access for installing footing drains. Missing surface and roof runoff along this side of the 1842 Town Hall has led to extensive rot in the building’s sill plate and framing. Any future water will find its way into the sub-surface drains and then out to the street.

Additionally, NECC Demolitions Contractors of Willington removed no longer needed chimneys on both buildings and will also be responsible for removing siding and windows that will replaced as the renovation moves forward.

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