Hiram Peure

Hiram Peure was a resident of Mansfield on April 22, 1863 when he enlisted as a Private in Co. I of the 6th Regiment Connecticut Volunteer Infantry; he was discharged for disability April 6, 1865.

He was born about April, 1830 in Connecticut and he is not a resident of Mansfield in the 1860 U.S. census. It is not known if he married or had any children.

In the 1900 U.S. census, he is a 70 year old pensioner living in the household of his brother, James Pence. Hiram Pence is an 80 year old boarder in the household of Herbert Boynton in Coventry in 1910.

On August 24, 1888, he applied for an invalid pension, No. 669,761 that was granted under certificate No. 452,810.

Hiram Peure died on September 10, 1912 at the Fitch’s Home for Soldiers in Darien, Connecticut. He is buried at the Fitch’s Veteran Cemetery in Darien.