Lucius P. Clark

Lucius P. Clark was a resident of Mansfield on July 21, 1862 when he enlisted as a Private in Co. I of the 18th Regiment Connecticut Volunteer Infantry. He was captured June 15, 1863 at Winchester, Virginia, was paroled July 19, 1863 and mustered out June 27, 1865. 

He was born about 1836 probably to Lucius and Catherine (Powell) Clark in Coventry. In the 1860 U.S. census in Coventry, he is a 26 year old day laborer and head of household; the previous household is the family of Lucius and Catherine Clark. Lucius Clark married Emily A. _____ between 1850 and 1860. He moved to New Britain by the 1870 U.S. census and was employed as a carpenter/joiner; this is the same occupation as his father. Between 1880 and 1889, he was a resident of Fitch’s Soldiers Home in Darien.

On January 21, 1887, he applied for an invalid pension, No. 594,393 that was granted under certificate No. 914,276. His widow applied for a pension on December 20, 1899.

Lucius P. Clark died on November 24, 1899 at Fitch’s Soldiers’ Home in Darien, Connecticut and is buried at the Fairview Cemetery in New Britain, Connecticut.

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Storrs Connecticut