MHS By Laws

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Article I — NAME

The name of this organization shall be THE MANSFIELD HISTORICAL SOCIETY, INCORPORATED.


The purposes of the Society shall be as follows:

  • To discover, collect, and preserve whatever pertains to the history of the Town of Mansfield and the surrounding area;
  • To promote and encourage historical research in all its aspects, and to make available to the members of the Society, and to the public, the results of this research;
  • To hold meetings and to discuss such matters as are of interest to the members of the Society and the public;
  • And in general to carry on any or all activities appropriate for an historical society.


  • Section A. Regular membership shall be open to all individuals interested in the purposes of the Society.
  • Section B. Honorary membership may be conferred by vote at an annual meeting upon recommendation of the Executive Council.

Article IV — DUES

Members shall pay such annual dues as are fixed from time to time by the Executive Council.

Article V — OFFICERS

  • Section A. The officers of the Society shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and an Assistant Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be bonded. The books of the Treasurer shall be audited periodically, at least every third year, by an auditor/s appointed by the Executive Council.
  • Section B. The officers shall perform such duties as are usually incident to their positions. These duties may be further defined by the Executive Council.
  • Section C. Officers shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Society, and shall serve for two years or until their successors are elected. The President and Vice-President shall be elected in odd-numbered years, and the Secretary, Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurer shall be elected in even-numbered years. A majority of the legal votes cast shall be necessary for election.

A member may hold the office of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, or Assistant Treasurer for no more than two consecutive terms. One term of two years must then intervene before he/she is eligible for the same office again.

  • Section D. If an officer resigns or is otherwise unable to fulfill the duties of his/her office, the Executive Council shall appoint another member of the Society to fill out the unexpired term.


  • Section A. There shall be the following standing committees: Finance, Hospitality, Membership, Museum, Newsletter, Old Houses, Program, Publicity, Research and Publications, and such other standing committees as may be recommended by the Executive Council and approved by the membership.

There shall be two standing subcommittees of the Museum Committee, namely the Acquisitions and Collections Management Committee and the Education Committee. The Finance Committee shall be advisory to the Treasurer.

  • Section B. The President shall appoint the Chairperson of each standing committee with the approval of the Executive Council and shall appoint the members of the Finance Committee. The designated Chairpersons of the other committees shall appoint their own committee members. The Chairperson of the Museum Committee shall also appoint the members of the Acquisitions and Collections Management Committee and the Education Committee.
  • Section C. Special committees may be authorized by the Executive Council or by the membership of the Society. Unless the motion creating a committee provides otherwise, the members of all special committees shall be appointed by the President.


  • Section A. The Executive Council shall carry on all the business affairs of the Society, and shall report at each regular meeting on actions it has taken since the last regular meeting. It shall have the responsibility for the expenditure of funds, provided that any purchase or sale of real estate shall require the approval of the membership at a regular meeting.
  • Section B. The Executive Council shall consist of the officers of the Society, four members-at-large and the Chairpersons of the standing committees and standing subcommittees. Members-at-large shall serve no more than two consecutive two-year terms. One term of two years must elapse before they are eligible for the same office.
  • Section C. At each annual meeting, two members-at-large shall be elected to serve for two-year terms. A majority of the legal votes cast shall be necessary for election. The incoming President may appoint the immediate past President to serve on the Executive Council for a period not to exceed the incoming President’s first two-year term.
  • Section D. If a vacancy occurs among the members-at-large, the Executive Council shall appoint another member of the Society to fill out the unexpired term.
  • Section E. Meetings of the Executive Council may be held at the call of the President or on request of any three members of the Council.
  • Section F. A simple majority of the filled positions shall constitute a quorum.


A Nominating Committee consisting of three members of the Society shall be appointed by the President at the regular meeting previous to the annual meeting. The Nominating Committee shall submit a slate of candidates at the annual meeting consisting of one nominee for each office and two nominees for members-at-large of the Executive Council. Additional nominations may be made from the floor.


  • Section A. Regular meetings shall be held four times a year at the call of the President.
  • Section B. Special meetings may be called by the President, the Executive Council, or on the written request of any ten members of the Society.
  • Section C. The annual meeting, which shall be a regular meeting of the Society, shall be held the second Friday in September or such other date as the Executive Council may deem necessary.
  • Section D. Twenty-five regular members shall constitute a quorum.


The By-Laws of the Society may be amended by a two-thirds majority of the legal votes cast at any regular or special meeting of the Society, provided written notice, including the proposed changes, has been given the membership at least seven days in advance of such meeting. Amendments may be proposed by the Executive Council or the written request of at least ten members.

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